Title Authors Source Publication Year Abstract Faculty Member PMID Link PubMed Keywords
Fostering Inter-Professional Education through Service Learning: The Belize Experience. Coffin Dale, Collins Mechelle, Waldman-Levi Amiya Occupational therapy in health care 2021 Service-learning and interprofessional education are forms of experiential learning that instill confidence in students. This pilot study used a post-service learning survey to explore the benefits of Dale Coffin 33511896 PubMed Health disparities interprofessional education service learning
Effectiveness of a low-cost virtual reality system for children with developmental delay: a preliminary randomised single-blind controlled trial. Salem Yasser, Gropack Stacy Jaffee, Coffin Dale, Godwin Ellen M Physiotherapy 2012 Physical and occupational therapists have started to use the Nintendo Wii™ gaming system with adults and children as part of their regular treatment. Despite the growing use of the Wii and trend towar Dale Coffin 22898574 PubMed