Title Authors Source Publication Year Abstract Faculty Member PMID Link PubMed Keywords
Biomechanics and Pinch Force of the Index Finger Under Simulated Proximal Interphalangeal Arthrodesis. Arauz Paul, DeChello Karen, Dagum Alexander, Sisto Sue Ann, Kao Imin The Journal of hand surgery 2017 To analyze the effect of simulated proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint arthrodesis on distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint free flexion-extension (FE) and maximal voluntary pinch forces. Karen DeChello 28479225 PubMed Proximal interphalangeal joint fusion electromyography finger biomechanics finger tendon forces hand
Abstract 20: prediction of optimal proximal interphalangeal joint fusion angle using simulated joint arthrodesis. Lider Yevheniy, Fourman Mitchell, DeChello Karen, Iyer Arjun, Sisto Sue, Dagum Alexander Plastic and reconstructive surgery 2014 Karen DeChello 25942131 PubMed
Intergenerational service learning: to promote active aging, and occupational therapy gerontology practice. Horowitz Beverly P, Wong Stephanie Dapice, Dechello Karen Gerontology & geriatrics education 2010 Americans are living longer, and the meaning of age has changed, particularly for Boomers and seniors. These demographic changes have economic and social ramifications with implications for health car Karen DeChello 20390628 PubMed