Standing balance in people with trans-tibial amputation due to vascular causes: A literature review. |
Seth Mayank, Lamberg Eric |
Prosthetics and orthotics international |
2017 |
Balance is an important variable to consider during the rehabilitation process of individuals with trans-tibial amputation. Limited evidence exists on the balance abilities of people with trans-tibial |
Eric Lamberg
28067120 |
PubMed |
center of pressure
postural sway
trans-tibial amputation
weight distribution
Balance in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. |
Varedi Mitra, McKenna Raymond, Lamberg Eric M |
Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society |
2017 |
Treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) can affect balance via different mechanisms, including sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy, cognitive impairment, and reduced muscle strength and f |
Eric Lamberg
27543960 |
PubMed |
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
The 2- and 8-week effects of decompressive brace use in people with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. |
Lamberg Eric M, Streb Robert, Werner Marc, Kremenic Ian, Penna James |
Prosthetics and orthotics international |
2016 |
Knee osteoarthritis is a prevalent disease. Unloading the affected compartment using a brace is a treatment option. |
Eric Lamberg
26112467 |
PubMed |
unloader brace
Building a framework for a dual task taxonomy. |
McIsaac Tara L, Lamberg Eric M, Muratori Lisa M |
BioMed research international |
2015 |
The study of dual task interference has gained increasing attention in the literature for the past 35 years, with six MEDLINE citations in 1979 growing to 351 citations indexed in 2014 and a peak of 4 |
Eric Lamberg
25961027 |
PubMed |
Effects of Tyrosine on Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. |
DiFrancisco-Donoghue Joanne, Rabin Ely, Lamberg Eric M, Werner William G |
Movement disorders clinical practice |
2014 |
Individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) can suffer from orthostatic hypotension (OH) resulting from reduced levels of norepinephrine (NE), which inhibits the sympathetic nervous system. Levodopa red |
Eric Lamberg
30363894 |
PubMed |
blood pressure
heart rate
orthostatic hypotension
Breath control during a tiptoe task. |
Lamberg Eric M, Hagins Marshall |
Physiotherapy theory and practice |
2014 |
Examination of naturally occurring respiration during postural challenges may increase our understanding of the factors linking respiration to lumbar segmental control. This study determined if the ti |
Eric Lamberg
24020984 |
PubMed |
Applying principles of motor learning and control to upper extremity rehabilitation. |
Muratori Lisa M, Lamberg Eric M, Quinn Lori, Duff Susan V |
Journal of hand therapy : official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists |
2013 |
The purpose of this article is to provide a brief review of the principles of motor control and learning. Different models of motor control from historical to contemporary are presented with emphasis |
Eric Lamberg
23598082 |
PubMed |
Management of proximal femoral focal deficiency with limited resources in Haiti. |
Lamberg Eric M, Collins Cristiana Kahl, Hanks June Elaine, Alaniz Marvin Borge |
Prosthetics and orthotics international |
2013 |
Individuals with proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD) present with a shortened femur. This report highlights the process used to determine prosthetic candidacy, a novel use of the International Co |
Eric Lamberg
22661340 |
PubMed |
The effects of low back pain on natural breath control during a lowering task. |
Lamberg Eric M, Hagins Marshall |
European journal of applied physiology |
2012 |
Preventative and rehabilitative efforts relative to low back pain (LBP) and manual material handling (MMH) are often directed toward proper technique. However, breath control may be an additional fact |
Eric Lamberg
22307454 |
PubMed |
Effects of exercise and B vitamins on homocysteine and glutathione in Parkinson's disease: a randomized trial. |
DiFrancisco-Donoghue Joanne, Lamberg Eric M, Rabin Ely, Elokda Ahmed, Fazzini Enrico, Werner William |
Neuro-degenerative diseases |
2012 |
Individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) have decreased glutathione levels and elevated homocysteine levels. These substances are considered markers of health, and an inverse relationship has been su |
Eric Lamberg
22261439 |
PubMed |
Cell phones change the way we walk. |
Lamberg Eric M, Muratori Lisa M |
Gait & posture |
2012 |
Cell phone use among pedestrians leads to increased cognitive distraction, reduced situation awareness and increases in unsafe behavior. Performing a dual-task, such as talking or texting with a cell |
Eric Lamberg
22226937 |
PubMed |
Individuals with low back pain breathe differently than healthy individuals during a lifting task. |
Hagins Marshall, Lamberg Eric M |
The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy |
2011 |
Case control, repeated-measures, experimental laboratory study. |
Eric Lamberg
21212498 |
PubMed |
Effects of exercise induced oxidative stress on glutathione levels in Parkinson's disease on and off medication. |
Elokda Ahmed, DiFrancisco-Donoghue Joanne, Lamberg Eric M, Werner William G |
Journal of neurology |
2010 |
Resting plasma glutathione (GSH) levels are lower in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) than any other neurological condition. Medications used to treat PD have also been shown to further decre |
Eric Lamberg
20461398 |
PubMed |
Breath control during manual free-style lifting of a maximally tolerated load. |
Lamberg Eric M, Hagins Marshall |
Ergonomics |
2010 |
Clear evidence links voluntary breath control, intra-abdominal pressure and lumbar stability. However, little is known regarding optimal breath control during manual materials handling. No studies hav |
Eric Lamberg
20191413 |
PubMed |
Norepinephrine and cardiovascular responses to maximal exercise in Parkinson's disease on and off medication. |
DiFrancisco-Donoghue Joanne, Elokda Ahmed, Lamberg Eric M, Bono Nancy, Werner William G |
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society |
2009 |
The aim of this experiment is to understand how Parkinson's disease (PD) medication affects the autonomic responses of individuals during an acute exercise stress test. Fourteen people with PD and fif |
Eric Lamberg
19562762 |
PubMed |
Cardiovascular response to treadmill testing in Parkinson disease. |
Werner William G, DiFrancisco-Donoghue Joanne, Lamberg Eric M |
Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT |
2006 |
Exercise has been recommended as a way to maintain quality of life in individuals with Parkinson disease (PD). Experiments examining the cardiovascular response to exercise, however, have yielded cont |
Eric Lamberg
16796771 |
PubMed |
Natural breath control during lifting tasks: effect of load. |
Hagins Marshall, Lamberg Eric M |
European journal of applied physiology |
2006 |
Anecdotal evidence suggests that people hold their breath during lifting tasks in order to increase intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and thereby increase lumbar stability. Studies have shown that volunt |
Eric Lamberg
16341872 |
PubMed |
Visual properties of objects affect manipulative forces and respiration differently. |
Lamberg Eric M, Mateika Jason H, Gordon Andrew M |
Brain research |
2005 |
Previously, we demonstrated that the respiratory and motor systems responded differently following consecutive lifts of an object whose weight could be altered (lighter or heavier) without changing th |
Eric Lamberg
16337926 |
PubMed |
Internal representations underlying respiration during object manipulation. |
Lamberg Eric M, Mateika Jason H, Cherry Lance, Gordon Andrew M |
Brain research |
2003 |
We examined the presence of anticipatory control and the resulting interactions of the respiratory and motor systems during discrete object manipulation. In response to an auditory signal, subjects re |
Eric Lamberg
12915261 |
PubMed |
Adaptive Sports and Recreation in Persons with Limb Loss/Limb Deficiency. |
Tinney Melissa J, Caldwell Mary E, Lamberg Eric M |
Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America |
2024 |
Adaptive sports are a vital component in the continuum of rehabilitation for people with limb loss/limb deficiency (LL/LD), across the lifespan. Identifying the barriers and understanding health care |
Eric Lamberg
39389636 |
PubMed |
Adaptive sports
Limb deficiency
Limb loss
Para sports
Physical activity